Over the last few years I have learned a lot of emotions. Mainly because I had to, but also because of life experiences. And with emotions comes emotional reactions to things. But what ive realized even more is that most of our emotional reactions to situations dont completely have anything to do with what is currently going on. Yes, its a basis for it... it obviously sparked a reaction. But what makes it an emotional reaction now is because its an old emotion. An old emotion or pattern from that past that has been accumulated over time. It then arrives when a familiar situation occurs.
You can "move on" from the past, you can feel "completely" over a situation from the past, you could have "let it all go"... but in reality, we never "entirely" get over thing certain things. You can be at ease with something or feel like you have closure with it... but theres always going to be something that sparks you wanting to have an emotional reaction.
Now, whether or not you show it is another story. You dont have to actually have a visible emotional reaction..but lets be real, sometimes we just cant help ourselves. Most people cave in and show their emotional reaction..sometimes because they aren't entirely over something, or sometimes because whether its good or bad they had a strong feeling about it at one point. So in the end, in some way you were reminded of that feelings, sparking an emotional reaction.
But how do we not show it? Well, it takes time... but you eventually get to a point where you realize you need to be at peace with something. But you can only get to that point if YOU really want to. Not by someone else telling you to, and not by someone or something else trying to convince you. You have to do it for you. Sometimes we have to learn to get ahold of ourselves and realize not everyone is worth an emotional reaction. Some things just aren't worth an emotional reaction. Why waste your breath and your energy on someone or something that isn't worth that? Sometimes you have to be a bigger person, smile, and go on about your day.
Dont get me wrong, I have had my fair share of emotional reactions... but ive also learned who is worth that and who isnt. And yes, sometimes I still want to express whatever I need to and it happens.. but it depends on the situation, it depends on who im talk to, and it depends on who or what is being talked about.
But at the end of the day, just remember, not everyone or everything is worth your energy. Save it for something that is.